Good morning from Road Trip # 25!!! We’ve traveled through Utah, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, and are currently in California making the trek down to the Southland.
FIZZ (2018 Michigander Litter) was delivered to his new home in Spokane. His weekly routine now includes a helicopter ride to the middle of a hunting preserve where he gets to work his way out on pheasant. While not doing that, he gets to dock dive for fish, go to the office with his dad, and snuggle with the grandkids. Congratulations on the good life, Fizz!!! 👍
LINCOLN and STEVIE NICKS (Blaise Pascal kids) continued onto Enumclaw where we spent a few days being put up in luxury style (swimming in the creek! wine tasting! baked salmon! salad with homegrown tomatoes!) with hostess Autumn, and popped into the Western WA Weim Club’s Annual Specialty Show to socialize puppies and spend time with friends. GREAT JOB, LANI!!!! 😁
LINCOLN now has a home in Kent, making STEVIE NICKS the only dog left on the WEIMBUS. 😆
It was nice to be at a dog show with NO ENTRIES. Watching ringside is fun!!! Congratulations to all the winners from the weekend!!!! 🌟
Home. Sleep. Trailer repairs. Workin’ the young dogs. And getting ready for another appearance in the White Mountains. T-minus ten days until the FIRST FIELD TRIAL of the season. Woooooo!!!!!!!
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